Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Banana Pancakes and A New Day

I loved this weekend. It was so amazing. for starters, we did not have ANY homework. This is because the week before, we had finals.How ridiculous. I did alright. Except I still got two c's. i'm totally over itt, but mom and dad are still being big homos.

i apologize to any gay people i just offended. It was never my intention to start using term "big homo" to describe people acting like fucking idiots. It just sort of developed over time. i stopped saying that things were "gay" for like 3 years, but i watched this episode of the Office where Michael says this in a staff meeting:
"You know, the word gay... used to mean happy? It used to mean fun. When I was a kid, it meant stupid and retarded. And now, it means a man who has sex with another man."
LOL. i mean.. that's pretty funny. So it brought back the idea. Old habits die hard, and so i started calling things homo again.
it's sorta funny.

I think I've gotten less mature as time goes on. Like, as I grow up and get more mature, I realize how many things are much much funnier when you're acting like you're six. That's probably why I like harrypotter. I feel like i'm fucking six years old again. It's awesome.And Some people say that when you get older you should be more mature. But I think those immature things are just as funny now as they were ten years ago. In fact, they may be more funny now, because I realize how stupid I must look to be laughing at them and I find it even funnier. Does that make sense?

Sometimes I only understand myself. That's not completely true; usually my best friend TOTALLY gets it. actually, usually she feels the same way at exactly that time. So, it's very very rare that i'm the only one thinking like me. This is a nice aspect of my life. Another nice aspect: McLovin*, my boyfriend. He's pretty much perfect for me, which is a surprise, because after the last boy went, I was thinking no one could ever happen like that. but he has, and he's actually better i think :)it's amazing he makes me so happy ALL the time. which is just cool. I mean, if you found someone who always made you smile, you'd probably keep them around, right? That's what I'm thinking I'll do. Haha. seriousy though.

I'm listening to this song-- Remember, by Jack Johnson.

It makes me so sad, it always makes me think of my friend. Her dad died last year, and when I hear it, I just think about how her parents were so good together, and how they probably felt like this song.

I gotta go now. I also like this song, hope, by jack johnson. check it outtt!


Sunday, December 7, 2008



i LOVE this movie lol.
theres a really great line it in. ill let you hear it.

this is an important idea. literally and symbolically.
literally- if you ever owned a dinosaur, or ever do, you should NOT lose it. they don't understand our world! they don't know what a car is! it could be hit! and if its an older dinosaur it could be dangerous to others. i mean, they get hungry man, and history tells us that when they get hungry, they get violent. especially to things they could be eating.
good lesson to learn from the past, if you ask me. so if this is the case, install an invisible fence or get a leash or something.
if you take this idea symbolically, you would realize that its important not to let go of who you are. if you forget your dreams and conform to what the world wants, you're gonna lose what makes you the person you are. and then what? you'll be materially happy, but that's not important. once your dinosaur is gone, its gone. you can't buy it back.

alright, after thinking about it, maybe it was a LITTLE unrealistic for the father to think could be a dinosaur. i just don't think i'd ever buy it.

just saying.

i love josh ritter so much. his music is amazing. i like the songs "thin blue flame" and "girl in the war" the best. go listen. here's my favorite quotes.

paul said to peter, "you gotta rock yourself a little harder;
Pretend the dove from above is a dragon and your feet are on fire"
But I gotta girl in the war, Paul her eyes are like champagne
They sparkle, bubble over, in the morning all you got is rain.

how amazing. i mean, the champagne analogy? beautiful. and thin blue flame is thought provoking.
you should just read the whole thing.
that's it for me! i have to do work.

Friday, November 28, 2008


i am entitling this blog twofer because i blogged two times today. you know what that means? it means today was a good day. a very, very good day.

you know, sometimes i wish i was like a character in the book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".
it is such a good book, and even though charlie is not a grown up yet he has many wise things to say. here are some of my favorite quotes.

"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

"I don’t know if you’ve ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That’s why I’m trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning."

"So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them."

"and in that moment, i swear, we were infinite."

i do love that book. you should check it out sometime.

"I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice, but still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend."

thats from the shawshank redemption, listen to this song,
and read on.

you know, sometimes i miss the old days. i know maybe i'm too young to say something like that, to claim that i have old days. but its true. i miss the friendships i used to have with people. there was this one person, *Mclovin, who really understood me. and we got along perfectly. and then all the sudden, everything was really different. and i don't know what happened or how or why, but it was weird. and i miss how things were between us. i don't know. but its over, so i mean i'm fine now, but sometimes i still think back to how it used to be, to how it could have been, and i miss it.

All I Really Want to Be is a Hippie. Peace&Love.


You know, its great that youtube provides us with whatever we want
. but its so easy to watch videos on youtube instead of doing what we're supposed to be doing. you know. homework, cleaning your room, practicing your instrument. i'm just saying, because sometimes i get distracted and i sort of blame youtube.

but its all good, man, i know youtube isnt trying to cramp my style. it just happens sometimes. its cool, youtube.

i LOVE thanksgiving. like there is so much good food in my house right now. usually there is nothing good to eat. but after thanksgiving... oh man, then there is some good food. also, i enjoyed all the people we had over for thanksgiving. we played a big game of encore, which is this game where you roll the dice and land on a color that corresponds to a color on a card. that color card has a word on it, (ex. purple) and your team has to try and think of a song with the word purple in the lyrics. you must know 8 words of the song, not jus the title.
usually, this game is too complicated to involve everyone. like, some of the little kids aren't good at participating, and if you only have one or two people on your team that know songs, it ends up being like a 2 vs. 2 thing. i thought last nights game would be like that- i mean, we had two foreigners on our team! like, they moved here from Africa! and the other team had bimbo* and buttface*, who are usually idiots. but surprisingly, everyone put in a good effort so that it was truly a team sport. every person contributed at least one song. even the youngest kids! so it was a reallllly fun game. even though my team lost. clearly the other team is full of TRAMPOSAS!

that means cheaters in spanish.

we should have been the ganadores!

that means winners.

anyways. i have to work tonight. its not all bad because i like the girl i'm working with, but its not that great because i'm still working intead of enjoying break with my friends. whatever ill go to my friends after work i guess. sorry, you didn't need to hear that, that was me thinking out loud. oh well it happens.

its hard to find a place in this
to know who you are in this,
just a minute
just a flash
just a small ripple in the waves of eternity
yet so much
in this brief time
we find great love
we find great pines
we find great stories,
and in the process,
we find ourselves.

well. i hope that wasn't too bad, i'm hoping to become a BEATNIK! mrs. wf style! hahah she would love that i bet. but hey, i'm gonnna go watch some tv. LOVE!
this ones for you, embrodes :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


wow, emily's blog set a hard act to follow... i'm not sure if i know how to put music in blogs yet :( and i also do not know that i reallllllyyy care enough to go find pictures to put in, even though i do knnow how to do that. but i guess we'll see.

first i'd like to say that its thanksgiving. which usually i hate because i have to be wth my family. i mean, i hate all holidays for that reason. actually, thanksgiving is the best of the worst because at least it revolves around food. but still, i expected this thanksgiving to suck. but so far, its good. i slept in till 1130 with no interruptions, and hwen i went downstairs there was bacon and pancakes to eat. then, i watched the macys day parade with my family. when it ended, my brother and i jammed. he played guitar and i played violin. for a while, vinny played bass, but it didn't sound too good so he stopped. thennnn, i watched some harry potter, and now i am blogging.

you know, its really nice that blogs automatically save like every two minutes. because then if my computer freezes or i x out real quick, i will not lose my work. i wish this feature were available in all aspects of life. you know, like save your life every two minutes in case you mess up. then you could easily fix things.

unfortunately, things are hard to fix. this is something that i realize more every day. for instance, today, i t hink i broke my mnm's toy. and i do ?NOT know how to fix it.

some of my inspirations include this AMAZING video by architecture in helinsky. it is called "That Beep." let me see if i can show it to you.

okay, so many things about htis video are perfect. The girl in blue, she's kind of ugly, but its clearly supposed to be that way. and i cannot tell if they're being inducted into some sort of cult or if they are prisoners. if they are prisoners, they are lucky to be experiencing something so cool. then there's these cool parts with bright yellow and teal blue placed against each other in a mesmerizing way. you know, i am not even doing it justice. stop reading this WATCH IT!

another inspiration, wellll harry potter. i know embrodes already said that, but i think its funny and true. okay, first off, he is sexy! who doesn't love how harry potter/daniel radcliffe looks? but aside from the obvious, he makes you feel good! i mean, when you finish watching harry potter, you feel better! you always feel like maybe the good guys can win, like everyone can get along, that peace and love are what matter most. that's why i love harry potter. he knows those things, and then he uses his magical powers to teach you them. and i still wish i went to hogwarts :(

i am so excited to EAT thanksgiving dinner. i just know its going to be delicious.. only thing is its still like 3 hours away... :(

anyways, before i go becuase i'm getting really tired, i want to share an AMAZING band to listen to. its callled ANIMAL COLLECTIVE. sorry i yelled, but i want you to remember the name. because its amazing. i will share some of it with you... hold on.

thats it for now. happy thanksgiving! :)